Saturday, March 6, 2010

If Only Eliot Spitzer had Continued to Play Tennis, He Would Still be Governor

In no way do I want to start discussing politics on this blog, considering I get enough banter at family get-togethers, but a recent story I read on is just to funny to resist.

A former advisor to Eliot Spitzer, the ex-governor of New York, who was dismissed of his duties due to a 2008 prostitution scandal, is releasing a book, Journal of the Plague Year, that offers a not-so-reasonable yet hilarious excuse to Spitzer's actions: he discontinued his weekly game of tennis. Want to know how this all ties in? Well, the NY Times previewed the book, written by Lloyd Constantine, and had this to say:

Mr. Constantine offers one diagnosis for Mr. Spitzer’s tempestuous behavior that perhaps only a wealthy Manhattanite could suggest: acute lack of tennis. Mr. Spitzer dropped his weekly game with Mr. Constantine in 2006, worried that a tender hamstring would cause him to hobble on the campaign trail. That ‘deprived Eliot of an important physical release,’ Mr. Constantine writes.

Could this explain Rafael Nadal's need to get down and dirty with Shakira for her new music video? After all, he has been off the court for over a month.
And, BTW, I hope the whores that visited you in your hotel room eased your hamstring pains, Mr. Spitzer.

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